[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Starting July 2018, Google will start flagging ALL sites as “NOT SECURE” in Google Chrome (the world’s most used browser). Your site’s going to look like it’s “hacked” if you don’t have an SSL certificate.

We can help you install one. We’ve done this tens of times now on multiple hosting. It’s never straight forward and definitely technical.

We’re strictly time and material. An SSL certificate is usually about $10/year from your hosting provider.

Here’s what we do:

  • We find out who you’re hosting with and have your registrar at.
  • Check out how much they charge. Have you buy it.
  • Following that,we then have 3 options for the work (because we DON’T want to know what your passwords are)
    • Ask you to change your password and we work at installing  it locally as you watch. When completed, you change your password back.
    • Remotely use your computer, you type in your passwords, have coffee while we do our magic through your computer.
    • ok.. there’s no 3rd option…
  • How much? It almost always takes about an hour (@ $85/hr).
    • Almost always? Yeah, the only time it doesn’t take less than an hour is if you have code that embeds or point to other sites that are not Secured, or are complicated installations. We’ll tell you beforehand if you are complicated.

